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Diagnostic Assessment / Audit

Co-develop your vision and organizational strategy by defining your objective and the context of your current organization.

We can help you to...

- Analyze your problem and your request
- Understand the context of your organization
- Identify the dysfunctions of your team
- Define the objective of the organization and the associated indicators
- Build the strategy to be implemented to achieve this objective

Sustainable commitment

- A clearly defined objective
- A strategy designed to be applicable tomorrow
- Concrete solutions with direct and measurable impact

Responsable du Pôle Produit
Making a sustainable commitment means building a useful strategy with a direct positive impact on the company and its teams.

Our Expertise


- Analysis of your inputs
- Interview with stakeholders
- Observations in meetings
- Retrospective workshop
- Personality analysis


- Mapping of issues
- Interview synthesis
- Good practice reviews
- Study report
- SWOT analysis
- Roadmap / Action plan
- Executive summary

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